Full Treatment - $90.00
A full treatment includes cleaning, conditioning, and relace.
Catcher, First Base, & Trapeze - $10.00 additional
Lace colors include Tan & Black
Additional colors available - $10.00 additional
Break In Service - $45.00
All gloves are broken in by hand to meet the needs of the player.
Conditioning included.
Full Relace - $60.00
Full glove relace.
Catcher, First Base, & Trapeze - $10.00 additional
Lace colors include Tan & Black
Additional colors available - $10.00 additional
Partial Relace - Starting at $15.00
Trapeze or Catcher’s Web - $50.00
Palm - $45.00
Web - $40.00
Heel or Fingers- $25.00
Thumb or Pinky Loop or Wrist Strap - $15.00
Lace Tightening - $15.00
Tightening of the existing laces.
Cleaning & Conditioning - $45.00
Includes cleaning, conditioning, and lace tightening.